
2022-23 IDS: 6 months in

By Glenmore Lodge

Find out how the first six months at Glenmore Lodge have been for our current Instructor Development Scheme team

Meg, Jess, & Callum



Tell us a bit about what you’ve been up to over the last few months…

It’s been a busy few months, packed full of mountain days in the lead-up to my summer Mountain Leader assessment in October, in addition to some great paddling and scrambling in the Cairngorms. Outside of the Lodge, I took part in the Women’s End 2 End Relay for the final 140 kilometres, from Lairg to John O’Groats

What has been the highlight of your first 6 months here?

I had a really hard time choosing just one highlight for this question! If I had to pick, it would be when I went on a solo trip to Knoydart in August. Before joining the IDS, I wouldn’t have had the confidence and knowledge to have undertaken this. Through doing it, I really honed my skills and felt like I became a more competent Mountain Leader.


Are you looking forward to winter, and is there anything you’re particularly excited about?

I am more than excited for what winter has in store. The majority of my experience in the outdoors has been in summer conditions so I’m excited to pick up a whole new range of skills. In particular would be learning how to ski! I would be lying if I said I wasn’t also looking forward to some ice-swimming when it gets really cold.



What would you say to someone who’s considering whether to apply for IDS or to pursue a career in the outdoors?

I would say do it! Apply! This is your chance to experience every facet of working in the outdoor industry, you won’t be in a better position to enter the worlds of paddling, mountaineering, biking etc. Furthermore, don’t feel like you need to be further along with your experience or knowledge than you are. Accepting what you don’t know or might not be good at, and seeking guidance and help from those who do have the knowledge and experience sets you up well for the scheme and your career long term


What’s the coolest thing you’ve done so far?

I don’t know about cool haha, but I think one of my highlights has been being able to go back to my old university mountaineering club and offer some climbing teaching days which were great for me as a trainee MCI and brilliant for the students who didn’t want to pay anyone! It has been nice for me to almost come full circle from being a novice to helping other people starting their climbing journey. Also I managed to sneak in a Cuillin Ridge traverse on a half days notice with my partner who is a chef at Glenmore Lodge, and the stars aligned and we had the best weather imaginable!

Are you planning on trying something new this winter and what do you have in mind?

Well I would love to go on a multi-day ski touring trip, perhaps linking together some of the bothies scattered across the Cairngorms. I haven’t done much touring in the past and have never done it expedition style so that would be really cool. Having just purchased some of the old Glenmore Lodge skis it would be a shame not to put them to good use!




What qualifications have you been working on?

Summer Mountain Leader Assessment, Velotech Bronze & Silver, Rock Climbing Instructor Training, Paddlesport Touring Leader Training, Core and Sheltered Water Coach Training. Over the course of October and November I’ve six paddlesports assessments lined up – something that I have been and will continue to be preparing for.

What’s your favourite course that you’ve been on?

North West Sea Kayak Expedition – We encountered a wide range of weather and sea conditions over the course of the week, had the opportunity to explore some stunning coastline and see some fantastic wildlife, and I was able to massively develop my sea kayaking skillset.

Favourite non-course job that you’ve done/do?

I love a good clear out, and there have been quite a few we’ve assisted the Facilities team with!



Do you feel like you’ve been developing your skills over the last 6 months and which ones do you think you’ve improved the most?

Over the last 6 months of being at the Lodge, I’ve had to opportunity to develop myself in different activities such as climbing, mountain biking and paddling. My focus was on climbing but after going on courses for paddling and mountain biking it opened my eyes to other activities which I’m pretty psyched to continue my development on!

Do you have any goals for the coming winter season?

This winter I’m hoping to get out skiing, ice climbing, and mainly just playing in the snow in any way I can! In North Wales we don’t get snow often and when we do it’s nothing compared to the Scottish winter so I’m hoping that we get enough snow and ice to do the things I would like to do!

Any top tips for making the most of/surviving IDS?

How to survive the IDS? Make sure you do have rest days! It can be hard to have rest days without feeling guilty about them, but everyone needs a break every now and then. When you’re getting out as much as you can, I’ve realised that a year goes by very quickly! And just have a good laugh!  


How has working at Glenmore Lodge been going?

I have found working at the lodge to be a great experience that has given me many opportunities to try new sports such as white water kayaking as well as to develop my climbing experience in the outdoors

What’s something new you want to try this winter?

I’m looking forward to trying winter climbing and backcountry skiing this winter season, and hope to be able to have some adventures off the beaten track and see what is out there when the snow comes!

In your opinion, what is the best cake at the Lodge?

My favourite cake is probably the chocolate orange cake!

Applications for the 2023 Instructor Development Scheme open on the 28th September and close on the 16th October 2022. For more information and to apply, head to our IDS page HERE.